name: calamityrole: fictive + sexual alter + protector/caretakerage: 22 - 26gender + pronouns: female (she/her)sexuality: pansexualspecies/headspace form: calamity from crossoverbio: originally formed when our primary host got fixated and attached to our partner's series called crossover and started kinning calamity and writing part of her character. she is described to be a stubby dragon elf that owns a casino in crossover. she takes care of our system very dearly despite her 'trickster' personality and gets along with most of us. especially kokichi, desire and imp. she is in a relationship with hawkfrost.

name: hawkfrostrole: fictive + protector/caretakerage: 23 - 27gender + pronouns: male (he/they)sexuality: bisexualspecies/headspace form: hawkfrost from crossoverbio: hawkfrost is one of the newer alters in our system. just like his source, hes a gentle, comforting and loving guy who enjoys learning abt new things that catches his attention. we assume that he was formed when the primary host got fixated (in a more comforting way then ever) on him after her suicide attempt back in 2022. he is in a relationship with calamity.

name: jayrole: partial fictiveage: (associates with the body)gender + pronouns: demi-boy (he/they)sexuality: asexualspecies/headspace form: a anthro blue-ish grey catbio: jay was originally formed during the primary hosts warrior cats phase from jayfeather. theyre known to be sarcastic, snappy and kind of haughty. he takes things very seriously but usually has a comfort item nearby all the time. he doesnt want to be associated with his original source and just goes by jay

name: blossomrole: caretakerage: 20gender + pronouns:sexuality: asexualspecies/headspace form: cat elfbio: is known to be kind of like the big sister of the system. she is genuinely sweet and kind and always gives us and ppl a helping hand. she gets along with snow pretty well due to their personalities, but she is more of the calm type than the anxious type and gives good advice!

name: rainrole: middle + trauma holderage: 11 - 12gender + pronouns:sexuality: aromanticspecies/headspace form: (associates with the body)bio: is basically the 'younger' version of our selves that formed from trauma when we were younger.

name: shadowfrostrole: protectorage: 27gender + pronouns: he/himsexuality: graysexuallyspecies/headspace form: a black anthro cat with red eyesbio: we like calling him dad due his appearance, but also bc he helps us get through life! we usually call him out for his dad jokes, but overall hes just a funny guy .

name:role:age:gender + pronouns:sexuality:species/headspace form:bio:

name:role:age:gender + pronouns:sexuality:species/headspace form:bio:

name: tanya keysrole: ??? (dormant at the moment)age: late 20sgender + pronouns: genderfluid (she/he/they)sexuality: bisexualspecies/headspace form: tanya keys from mao maobio: we dont rlly have much to say abt her as we havent heard from her in abt 3 years. but she is a fictive from her source mao mao heroes of pureheart